Hello! Thank you for visiting this page. Here, you will be quizzed on four of the most basic concepts Python has to offered, all of which we reviewed throughout the first 2 weeks of this class. Good luck, and enjoy!

correct = 0 #this represents the total number of questions answered correctly by the test taker
def question(prompt, answer): #this function receives the answer typed in by the user, then whether or not that input was correct
    print ("Question: " + prompt) #Displays the question
    msg = input()
    if (msg).lower() == answer:
        #prints if the message is correct
        print("Nice! " + msg + " is correct!")
        #changes the correct variable
        global correct
        correct += 1
    #checks to see if its false
        #prints out that the answer is false
        print("Sorry, but " + msg + " is incorrect!")
#Below are the 4 different questions that this quiz will be issuing. 
question("What function would you use to take input from the user?", "input")
question("What function outputs, or displays text?", "print")
question("What function checks whether a statement, or condition is true/false?", "if")
question("What is the keyword called when defining a function?", "def")
Percentage = correct/4
print("You got " +str(int(Percentage*100))+"%! Keep working hard!")
Question: What function would you use to take input from the user?
Nice! input is correct!
Question: What function outputs, or displays text?
Nice! print is correct!
Question: What function checks whether a statement, or condition is true/false?
Nice! if is correct!
Question: What is the keyword called when defining a function?
Nice! def is correct!
You got 100%! Keep working hard!