Main Takeaway From Video!:

  • Students have constantly been dealing with stress, so much to the point where they aren’t able to enjoy life as much as they should.


  • Understand the root causes of stress amongst High School students partaking AP courses
  • Understand if the people around you can make a difference on one’s stress levels.

As a group, our Scrum Team was able to put together a short, 6 question mental health assessment to get a better idea of what causes stress and anxiety, as well as what can possible aid/harm it.

After sending the form out to a variety of students from all over PUSD, our group analyzed the first 30 responses of the form.

  • This first question first interprets the typical levels of stress honors high school students face throughout a typical school year
  • Clearly, out of the thirty responses, nearly 90% agreed on either a rating of 4 or 5 (extreme or overwhelming, respectively)

  • This question then interprets the root cause of that stress
  • Out of the 30 students, nearly 85% of them agreed that school inflicted the most amount of stress

  • This third question reflects how bad the states of mind some students resorted to
  • Clearly, the stress levels took a large toll on them, for 60% of these students endured difficult periods of time

  • Resulting from stress and anxiety, students may lose sleep, and may not be able to productively and efficiently grow.
  • It seems that the average honors high school student is able to muster a solid 7-8 hours of sleep, which is around the recommended amount for adolescents.

  • This question pertains to whether or not these students are socially interactive with other students at their school, or with members at home.
  • Clearly, a majority of students are happy with whom they hang out with, but there is still a quarter percentage of students who dislike the social environment they are surrounded by

  • This final question concludes the assessment, and derives the final answer behind what could potentially stimulate, or greatly lessen the amounts of stress students are forced to deal with.
  • Clearly, a healthier social circle reduces the total amount of stress a student must deal with, whereas a unhealthy social circle leads to even more anxiety.

From this survey, I was able to decipher that students should do their best to surround themselves with people whom they can trust, and build positive relationships with. By doing so, they are increasing their chances of experiencing reduced amount of stress and anxiety, which is what ALL high school students strive for.