Week 20 MCQ
Tri 2 Midterm MCQ Reflection
As you can see, I earned a 47/50 on the MCQ.
Corrections and Reflection
Question 27:
I had chosen option C.
This algorithm is wrong, however. This is because the function get messed up since the n = n+1 is set at the beginning, therefore, the “repeat n times” function will mess the code up from the beginning.
Therefore, option D is correct because it sets the n = n+1 at the end of the algorithm.
Question 28:
Here I had chosen the correct options in A and C, but I must have been rushing, as I had also chosen option B. This resulted in me choosing 3 different options even though the instructions clearly intructed for just 2 to be selected.
Question 30:
Here I had chosen option C, which is correct, but I had chosen option A instead of B. B is the correct algorithm out of the two, however, because the “drawCircle” command comes after setting the new r and y values.